Exploring Resilience via Lifes Burning Issues

Tag: happiness (Page 4 of 9)

Life’s ONLY rule

You have to care – it’s the only rule in life!

The way I see it life has only one rule……and that is you have to CARE!

How do you express it?

It doesn’t matter how you express it, whether you call it giving a shit, whether you call it stepping up to the plate, rising to the challenge, giving a toss… however you put it there is only one rule that underpins every other rule in life…that is to CARE!

Why caring matters

All the good things in life only happen because somebody cares. (and conversely, a lot of bad stuff happens when people don’t care!……remember the quote by Edmund Burke….”all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men (and women) do nothing”  and how many times in history this fact quote has proven correct )

The good things happen because someone cares enough about whatever specific thing it is to do whatever it takes to make something happen. Whether it’s the next big leap in astrophysics… or whether it is picking up the phone and calling to see if you are ok, or leaving a message of support for you on facebook they only happen because someone CARES…..

What about you?

What do you care about and why…… and how do you show it?

image credit: Aunt Owwee @flickr

Four lines to change your life.

choose your frame!

I’m going to share with you four lines that can form the basis of reframing every aspect of your life… and challenge you to apply them, but first I’ll share with you how I found the four lines…

It’s that Tim Brownson bloke again!

I know this guy, Tim Brownson, a life coach who you can find over at A Daring Adventure, (but before I tell the rest of this story…. you should read my post on Why I hate Tim Brownson to get some context…).

Tim’s reframing competition.

In his usual tantalizing fashion, Tim recently ran a competition to give away an Amazon gift card and a copy of a book he co-authored with the competition being on the subject of re-framing. As usual, I couldn’t resist so I put my entry in the comments (and like he always does…. he made us wait a while to find out who the winner was going to be.)

Announcing the winner!

When I read Tim’s post “this is how you reframe” I was introduced to the Roy Naim… a worthy winner! Roy’s entry was fantastic and was a real journey on how to reframe…. he successfully reframed a day that would have had most people pulling their hair out and turning feral ready to attack whoever next encountered them. NOT Roy…

Anyway, there are some great entries attached to Tim’s post… so it is worth a read.

Meet Roy….

But Roy’s genius didn’t just stop there… No Sirree… Roy was engaged in responding to comments about his win, Roy continued to demonstrate the aspects that made his original entry so compelling, and had some nice things to say about little old me…I’ll be following Roy on twitter!  In one of his comments, Roy shared a quote from the Silva Method which really set my mind wandering…….

The four lines to help you reframe everything in your life!

“If you like it, enjoy it.
If you don’t like it, avoid it.
If you can’t avoid it or choose not to, then accept it.
To accept it, you must change your perception of it.”

Sometimes it is simply amazing how a simple statement can smack you in the head! This quote certainly did that. I reckon Roy has shared four lines that are the basis for reframing every aspect of your life IF you apply the quote.

What about you?

How could/would you apply this quote in your life? What are you going to reframe?

Image Credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/editor/135953989/sizes/m/

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