Exploring Resilience via Lifes Burning Issues

Author: Mick Morris (Page 50 of 93)

Royal Wedding Madness

insert your name here!


Firstly congratulations to Prince William and Kate Middleton,  enjoy your day I am pleased for each of you as individuals and I hope your lives together are happy and your marriage  lasts your lifetimes.

Congratulations to you too, you are invited to the Royal Wedding.

But now for the RANT

While I am happy for William and Kate as individuals the Royal Wedding is sending me crazy and it’s time for a RANT, because I HATE the crap surrounding the Royal Wedding (and the institution of Royalty…but more of that further below)

You’re invited (whether you like it or not)

Like the caption on the invitation image says… insert your name here, because like it or not you are invited to the spectacle of the Royal Wedding. Sure you might not have a seat at Westminster Abbey and you may not get to rub shoulders with the upper crust, but as a member of the Hoi Polloi you have  front row seat to the circus.

WHAT? you’re not interested in the wedding! Well then you had better turn off your TV, switch off the radio and avoid all newspapers, magazines and newsstands for the next week or so, or you’ll have to endure the circus.

And it is a circus…. how much crap advertising and bullshit media have you seen regarding the wedding already… things like “we’ll be doing live crosses to the Royal Wedding all week” … FFS the wedding is happening on ONE day, ONE day!

Take that Silver Spoon and….

The other thing that really bugs me about this is the concept of Royalty itself…

By an accident of birth someone gets born into the Windsor Family and they are entitled to a life of privilege and public subsidy, all because of a history of bloodshed and inbreeding that resulted in the house of Windsor occupying the palace and historical developments that result in a conservative status quo that means another palace coup is never going to happen…..

I am opposed to any system that rewards someone simply by virtue of the accident of their birth, and particularly a system that imposes that accident of birth on a population in another country half way around the world.

The Royal Family (despite what the  constitution of my country says)  in reality has NOTHING to do with the day to day running of, development of or prosperity of my country and apart from being an anachronistic appendage delivers nothing.

So I guess  it is no secret that I am in favour of a Republic for my sunburnt country.

One bright spot….

At least one bright spot is that a couple of Australian media outlets have decided to give people like me a break and continue to screen other programs like sport and push the wedding off to their alternative digital channels ….THANK YOU!

Will you take up your invitation?

Are you going to insert your name in the space provided, are you going to soak up the saturation media coverage… or are you like me, and over it for a few reasons.

I’d love to know what you think about the wedding and the Royal Institution, so let rip in the comments!

image credit

Mark Hillary

Its not about him, her or them

who are you pointing the finger at?

You know or work with this person

I spent the past few days helping out at a community event and found myself getting increasingly frustrated with my interactions with one of the other people involved. It seemed that this guy did everything to get on my nerves, no matter what he said or did it just seemed to rub me the wrong way. By the end of the first day I thought I was ready to “kill” him. You can imagine that I was not looking forward to dealing with him on day two, but there was really not much of a choice, the event had to go on.

Day two arrived and this person showed up and did the same things, said the same things and behaved in exactly the same way, so you would think that by the end of day two I may have been ready to literally kill him!

You probably know someone just like this guy or work with someone just like him.

BUT I didn’t want to kill him after day two….. and you probably want to know why.

A quick reflection

I take time out to try to figure out what it is about a person or a situation that gets me worked up and dealing with this guy was no exception. So when I looked at the situation there were a couple of choices. I could confront the guy with a litany of items about the things he was saying and doing that were getting on my nerves or I could take a different perspective.

It’s not about him (her or them)

That different perspective was that it is NOT about him (or her or them), it was about me, and when you are dealing with the person described above the truth is that more often than not it is about YOU!

So unless that persons words or actions are actually offensive, unethical or in some way illegal you have to acknowledge that this “annoying person”  is doing the best that they know-how, and they probably maintain a whole range of relationships in which they do not get on the other person’s nerves.  In which case what really bugs you is that their words or actions are rubbing up against a belief that you carry about how someone should talk to you or treat you, and if you spend a few moments in reflection to figure out what that belief is, then you are in a better position change YOUR approach to the person or situation and let those minor annoyances slide on by.

Who are you going to point the finger at?

So next time you need to deal with that annoying person that you know or work with are you going to keep pointing the finger at him, her or them, or are you going to point the finger at yourself?  Have you had a moment like the one described above…. what were your thinking processes? How did you re-frame the situation? Share your thoughts in the comments section below……

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