Exploring Resilience via Lifes Burning Issues

Author: Mick Morris (Page 51 of 93)

Because you are worth it…..I dare you!

I recently wrote about How to sit with sadness, the good news is that the strategy that I shared in that post …. applies to almost every emotion or set of circumstances you find yourself in, and BECAUSE YOU ARE WORTH IT here are the simple instructions……..

because you are worth it

The instruction manual for sitting with…….


BECAUSE YOU ARE WORTH IT, I dare you to pick an emotion, pick a set of circumstances you are confronting…. follow the instructions……JUST PAY ATTENTION… don’t argue with yourself or justify your thoughts just pay attention to them and see how the emotion or your understanding of the circumstances change, …..and then …..

Tell others about your experience sitting with…!

Simply humbled….

As the parent of a severely disabled child life throws many challenges at me. I’m determined to make a difference and make the most out of my families circumstances, yet despite how much I fight I am always finding people who simply leave me in awe!

Two Stories to Inspire

Many of you will have heard of TEAM HOYT a simply inspiring father and son who never let a bad prognosis from the medical profession or life’s challenges stop them from achieving. These guys just blow me away and make me more determined.  If you haven’t heard about them here is a video about them ….

Another person living with a child with a severe disability who touched me today was Claire who blogs at Life with a severely disabled child….. the part of her post Pride, No Prejudice that hit me was….

I am intensely proud of both of my children. And you know what else? It has nothing to do with their academic abilities. It has nothing to do with abilities at all.

And how, pray tell, did that attitude come about, all things considered?

In all honesty, I don’t rightly know. Perhaps it is via an act of grace (or my esoteric views) that I see their brilliance as something that goes beyond what they can do and into what they are. And what are they but human beings living life as best they can, struggling mightily with some things, sailing through others? Definitely, though, they are (as are your children, normal or not) marked for deeper things because of their involvement with disability. Their influence need not be global, or even earthly, to be significant. Their lives are transformative, to themselves and/or to others.”

What about you?

I wonder can you see past the imperfections of those around you and see the value in them no matter how flawed they may appear on the outside?  Who in your life sets an example like Dick, Rick or Claire…  why do they inspire you?

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