Exploring Resilience via Lifes Burning Issues

Author: Mick Morris (Page 24 of 93)

Happy bloody birthday!


Just one of three hundred and sixty-five,
another day, just like any other
except this one marks the end of forty-five.

A day to celebrate my birth,
the fact that I’m breathing
and walking the earth.

To mark the passing of another year
but what it all really means,
to me, is never quite clear.

A day celebrated with cake,
with gifts, and well wishes
that friends and family make.

So today I’ll be another year older,
hopefully slightly wiser,
but definitely so much balder.

I’ll pass it with cake, and maybe a drink,
I’ll spend it with family,
and try not to think,

it’s another day further from birth,
a bit longer in the tooth,
and that much closer to death.


Copyright Mick Morris 2014

So this is Xmas…. Again.



Two years ago at xmas time I exposed my grinchiness in my xmas post (although it was no surprise to those that know me well 🙂 ) and challenged those for whom the year had been lucky to think about a way to ease the burden of those less fortunate.

Last year I wrote So this is xmas…. but, as we celebrated xmas with both a sense of fear and anxiety about Samuel’s declining health, and I quoted a verse from the song “so this is xmas”….

And so this is Christmas
For weak and for strong
For rich and the poor ones
The world is so wrong

Now I am thinking so it’s xmas time….. again… and just how wrong the world has felt this year after conducting the saddest duty of life, getting too well acquainted with the grief of losing a child, figuring out that one really isn’t the loneliest number, revealing the truth of depression hiding behind the mask and looking for little signs and dealing with different reminders.

That is not to say that it has been a completely bad year as there have been a few bright spots, like the sibling carer awards for Taylor, a win on behalf of the Samuel Morris Foundation in the Local Business Awards, and a 21st Wedding anniversary with a beautiful, strong and determined woman, delivering a couple of conference key note addresses and taking a nice holiday.

So while the year has felt wrong in so many ways…. it is a year that has also taught me a hell of a lot, and made me think longer and harder about quite a few different aspects of life, love and work.

So this years challenge from me to you, comes via some insightful words I am borrowing from Timber Hawkeye, who runs the Buddhist Bootcamp, so I challenge you to give the following gifts this xmas and into the new year…..

To your enemy, forgiveness. To an opponent, tolerance. To a friend, your heart. To a customer, service. To all, charity. To every child, an example, and to yourself, respect.

So from this grinch, to you and your family… Merry Xmas… be kind to yourself, and those you love and go give those gifts highlighted in the passage above!






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