Exploring Resilience via Lifes Burning Issues

Tag: Patterns (Page 6 of 8)

Pain is inevitable – Suffering optional

Suffering is Optional

Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional….. inspiring words by the Lord Buddha aren’t they?

But what the hell does he mean suffering is optional…. we all get the pain is inevitable part, that’s just part and parcel of the human existence, but to suffer OPTIONAL, surely he had rocks in his head!

Did he?

How many things do you beat yourself up over  with refrains like  “ if only I had…..” or “ I really should do…..” or “If I hadn’t ……. then X wouldn’t have happened.”

We do not have to have those conversations with ourselves, nobody forces us to, nobody says we have to, so why do we?

If  in our heads we are having the conversations “if only I had or if only I hadn’t then…” where are we focusing…. on the past. Can we change the past? NO.

When we are having the ” I really should…” conversation in our heads where are we focusing….. on the future! but are we focusing on actually getting done what needs doing? NO. Can we control the future? NO.

But when we engage in each of these conversations what are we doing? We are causing ourselves to suffer, not because we HAVE to, but because we are choosing to, so the suffering IS optional.

There are many things that happen to people in life that are tragic, and do cause immense physical pain and suffering to people. My sons accident, disability and ongoing problems associated with them are such examples  (see these articles for background…. how did I get here,   real men can, and should, cry ).

If  could there are many things I would change about what happened, but I cannot. If I could I would take away his pain and suffering, but I cannot. If I could I would prevent the future pain and suffering that he will experience, but I cannot.

There are a few words that I use to constantly remind myself about this. The words are ” it is what it is “.

I am not being trite and telling you that positive thinking will solve all of our problems. The reality is coming to the acceptance that ” it is what it is ” is difficult. Stopping yourself from unnecessary suffering is difficult.

There are days when life is tough, and circumstances can and will overwhelm. There are days when we will feel like shit, but those words “it is what it is” are also a comfort on those days, to acknowledge the feeling and not let the “what if”, “if only” conversations start in our heads. We may need to sit with those feelings of being down etc, but we do not need to let them cause us to suffer.

There is only one point in time and space that you and I can control, and that is right here, right now. We can choose to do what is necessary instead of thinking I should….. We can me mindful of the “if only”  thoughts we are having and stop our attachment to the past by acknowledging that it is what is and letting go of it. WE CAN choose not to suffer unnecessarily.

IT IS WHAT IT IS……….. what are you going to do differently to stop the optional suffering?

Image in this post by FranUlloa @ flickr

CHOICES – Part 2

by haribo

by haribo

Why was the word CONSTRUCTING selected to open the acronym for CHOICE?

Obviously a deliberate decision, made specifically to call to mind the process of building something. There are many ways to construct something.

Adhoc construction

There is the ad hoc, build it with what is laying around approach that may produce some interesting artistic pieces with a lot of pejorative  “character”.

In reality a structure built in this fashion is unlikely to be able the weather the downpours of life, the heavy winds, the shaky ground, the heat and the cold. Pieces are likely to fall off when subject to stress and the structure is most likely going to behave in unpredictable ways and may not behave the same way in similar circumstances because of shifts in the way the material has behaved already. Would you build the important structures of you life in this way….. I doubt it very much, or at least I hope not.

Planned Construction

A good structure is built with plans and a vision of what the outcome will look like. It is built by carefully selecting the materials. The materials are selected due to a range of features like their strength, their flexibility, their transparency or opacity, their weight, their ability to be moulded….. the list of criteria  goes on and on, but essentially they are selected due to being fit for purpose within the overall plan and vision.

by Braid44

by Braid44

Solid Foundations

All historically stable structures are also reliant on solid and well built foundations, designed to hold the load of the structure, the type of foundations are selected to be consistent with the type of soil on which the structure is to be built, to stop them sinking over time, like the famous leaning tower.

So  the word CONSTRUCTING was selected to remind you of this process.

How are you building your future?

Are you building your decisions on a solid foundation? Are you selecting the components that will make up your decision based on criteria that will make them fit for purpose and consistent with the intended goal? ….. or are you grabbing the building material as you go along, and building a ramshackle support?

We’d love to know how your a selecting the material on which to build your future, let us know by posting your comments in the discussion below……. and lets see how they emerge in Part 3 and beyond.

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