Exploring Resilience via Lifes Burning Issues

Tag: Thoughts (Page 4 of 23)

Countdown to eternity


Samuel Benjamin Morris.jpg


Today marks one year….. one year of missing my little man. Holding his hand and stroking his hair and watching the rise and fall of his chest for the last time and the beat of that strong little heart stop was the hardest moment of my life.  

Throughout Samuel’s life after his accident… everything.. and I mean everything was a countdown.. everything had a before and after and the milestones we counted to and from were not those we expected…… One year….and still counting and feeling the unmovable weight of grief.

Countdown to Eternity

I counted
days, weeks
then months
and just a few short years.
New clock.
Counting days, weeks
then months and years
from THAT day.

Two timers counting
marking milestones.
THIS time
equals half of THAT time,
THIS time
equals THAT time,
THIS time,
doubles THAT time.
Celebration, trepidation
markers of survival,
markers of decline.

February twenty-two…

Heart stopped… clock stopped.
three twenty pm.

Reset… new counter
Same milestones to pass
THIS time… THAT time
Though no more pauses THIS time,
days, weeks, months
since you’ve been gone.
One year down
Waiting for solace to be found..
THIS time…
a countdown to eternity.

Cascading Words


Cascading words

I don’t know where they come from
Yet still they come.
Sometimes half formed
Sometimes fully done.

They spring into my mind,
Pushing their way through
Sometimes with a fight
Or sometimes bright, shiny and new.

Sometimes it’s a drought,
Sometimes they come in streams,
Like the rivers of my unconscious thoughts
Or the visions of my dreams.

Sometimes a word or two
Or maybe a full line
Sometimes stumbling prose
But often arriving in rhyme.

Sometimes polished, sometimes not
Sometimes extremely raw
But until they are written down
They gnaw and gnaw and gnaw.

Every now and then,
They come in a blinding rage,
Demanding to be heard,
They fall upon the page.

Cascading word,
After word,
After word.

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