Exploring Resilience via Lifes Burning Issues

Author: Mick Morris (Page 34 of 93)

My Mental Health Day



Today started with me feeling agitated and out of sorts…an uncomfortable feeling, one that needed an immediate intervention  .. or to put it another way a feeling that demanded that I grant myself a mental health day.

My preferred form of self intervention and form of mental health day is to disappear and go fishing. There is something about being around water that is healing. I love sitting by the water and just watching the world go by while I sit, exercising my patience.

For a raft of reasons fishing has a lot of parallels to life and provides an opportunity for some zen moments. Moments to absorb the scenery, like that in the photo above that I took today, and moments to think about many and varied subjects…. like poetry?

My heart leaps up when I behold
A rainbow in the sky:
So was it when my life began;
So is it now I am a man;
So be it when I shall grow old,
Or let me die!
The Child is father of the Man;
And I could wish my days to be
Bound each to each by natural piety.

                               – William Wordsworth

Well not really.. as much as I love poetry, I was actually thinking about remembering to view the world with the joy and wonder of a child, because far too often we don’t notice the beauty that lies right before us, and Wordsworth’s poem is a beautiful expression of those thoughts.

When sitting by the water and letting the agitation wash away, I start to notice things.. the bird life, the movement of the water, the clouds, the interaction of the wind and trees and I am reminded about how connected everything is. The more I notice the more amazed and interested I am.

The more amazed and interested that I become the more a quote that I shared on Facebook the other day (well a paraphrased version of it, if I’m honest)…. a quote by Albert Einstein came to mind.

As our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it.

It caused me to reflect on just how little I actually knew about the fish I was fishing for, the birds that I was watching, the trees, the interactions between them all. Sure I knew some of their names/species etc.. but in reality I knew very very little about all of them, and so began a cycle of being amazed at how much I do know, and how much I don’t know…..and how as one grows, so does the other.

An afternoon of fishing is a great antidote to the feeling of agitation.





Homeward bound


The latest stay at Bear Cottage is drawing to an end….As we pack up, Samuel gets in one last peaceful rest in front of the fishtank.

Homeward Bound

Leaving this time is far more comfortable than at the end of my last stay, after Samuel had decided not yet and going home felt like leaving the hospital for the first time after his accident. This time we continue with the routine established since then.

Heading home, despite the continued challenges that Samuels circumstances bring, is always, always a privilege….

Not everyone has the privilege

Our stay has been a reminder that the beauty of Bear Cottage comes with a very important purpose. During our stay a couple of families have been in the same position as we were earlier in the year.

Like us one family has had a temporary reprieve and has headed home after a six week stay.

Sadly the other family has not and their beautiful little girl died.

I am grateful that the family had access to a place like Bear Cottage to support them, and I hope that the support makes this time as peaceful as it can possibly be for them now and into the future without their child.

Hug them while you have them

Take all those kids that you have in your lives, show them you love, hug them… They may not be here for long..

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